Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Bazar Shop - Multi-Purpose e-Commerce Theme

Bazar Shop - Multi-Purpose e-Commerce Theme - WooCommerce eCommerce

Bazar is a fresh and creative theme that utilises the powerful Woo Commerce plugin to create a very versatile Wordpress powered shop,
with unlimited layout options and a lot of unbelievable features.

Some features of Bazar are:

  • Wishlist feature

  • Compare feature

  • Zoom effect in the product detail page

  • Popup plugin included to show offers and news

  • Megamenu with images support; List/grid view in the products page

  • 2 custom checkout pages (a nice tabbed checkout page)

  • “Catalog mode” to use the theme like a catalog, without the cart option and with a “product enquiry form”

  • Filterable faqs

  • Shortcode manager with 300+ shortcodes

  • ...and so on!


bighawaii: I must add this is one badass theme. My opinion, best ecommerce theme hands down. Also add the fact you just updated it so fast with so MANY recent changes to WP and Woo ecom lately shows your team is truely on it. Many many thanks! Ten stars.

simonehow: Just wanted to let you know how fabulous I have found using this theme. Support is knowledgeable and very patient, in fact second to none in my experience (fast replies and super quick fixes) and the themes themselves are beautifully designed both visually and within the code. Thanks again! A customer for life here

edse83: I’d never seen such a great work on all the small details of a theme, it looks awesome even on mobile devices, great, great. I’ve researched many woocommerce themes, this is by far the best. Congratz!!

jrafert: To anyone reviewing this theme to purchase. I had done the the latest upgrade recently and was having problems. I emailed for their support since my client needed this fixed ASAP, and they fixed it and were on top of helping me from the start. HIGHLY recommend and thanks for the incredible support and time you spent with helping me get the CSS issue resolved. Great theme, lots of functionality. WAY TO GO!!!!

ktuskey: I have worked with a lot of WP themes. I’ve NEVER written a review about one. Sara and team, really, you guys set the standard. I’m still reeling about how much is in the theme… the attention to detail and incredibly rich feature is, frankly, jaw dropping. Amazing…

Mr-orange: Very gorgeous theme! Easy to manage and offering plenty of possibilities to be personalized. Also I must say the support team is great, they helped me a lot with some issues and changes I wanted on my theme. I hoped the support to be good, but i have to say that is amazing! Bazar worths every penny

Olly: I recently purchased this theme and I’m so excited The support I have received has been brilliant and every problem that I reported has been fixed. I am now only few days from launching my site and couldn’t be happier. Thanks a lot for your help! Will definitely be recommending they go with this theme now!

harvei: Hello, Sara… Just loging in to make a comment about the size of the theme…. it is truly fantastic. So many other themes have small print and tiny size pages and it looks outdated and old…. Your theme however, is big, bold, bright and clean and modern looking… super fantastic. just wanted to add that to brighten your day

argos: Sara_p: your support TEAM, is by far, the best at TF. I got answers for every question I made at your support centre, faster than any other developer here. A BIG THANK YOU to all of you!

suckerfish990: Love this theme design and everything in it , also the tech support , thx for updating the theme , the theme is faster than previous version . Very happy with this theme now . All the best to your sale Sara

MSLink: Want to tell everyone that there is a real good theme! I’m almost finished with my shop page. I will share the link here so everyone can see that it works great with that theme. Good work everyone in Bazar team!

kaixier:I’m very happy with your theme. Very details and nice. Support also great. As one of your happy customers, why don’t you share my live site in your description. thanks and good luck.

OliverTwister: I have to say I’m very impressed. You worked very hard on this theme, to make it compatible with the last version of Woo Commerce and to fix the small issues we reported in the support desk. Finally, the last update fixed all the bugs i had!!!! As Promoworks said, my site is not slow, and your theme is GREAT. Thank you so much for this amazing work on this piece of art, i really appreciate your support and your reliability.

miss_trony: Honestly i think that this one is by far the best, well designed, easiest to customize e-commerce theme i purchased on TF. A real pleasure to work with Bazar, if I could give it 10 stars I would, lol

lovelytemplates: Wow, very clean and superb design for Ecommerce website…Love the Zoom functionality and ability to use as a catalog website. I think this is the only best theme with all Ecommerce functionality like Wishlist, Compare etc., Sure, this is a HIT…

orangesandlime: One word: WOW! Haven’t yet come across a theme with so many options, so well-structured, so easy to modify and so well documented. Bravo!

harpcustom: This is such a really awesome theme. The only time I have had an issue with something running off the page, all I had to do is reduce the font size and it resets the way it should be. Truly an awesome theme. Keep up the good work guys.

wpsam:This is one of the BEST ecommerce themes I’ve seen in the longest time.

bassfade: I want to thank Sara, Nicola (Support yithemes), have solved my problem. I am satisfied, support quick and efficient, very friendly operators!! thanks

endure4c: I do recommend this theme. The Admin panel and unlimited features place this theme into a league of its own. I believe many businesses will benefit with it.
If support maintain 5 Star quality under its new platform, this theme will be a best seller.

Also a corporate theme

Love the Bazar style for your corporate or portfolio site? turn off the cart and use it for your corporate theme. There are 9 different portfolio layouts,
8 blog layouts and so on!

Update history

Ver 1.5 – May 30

  • Added: Variable sku for contact forms

  • Added: OGP Meta tags

  • Added: social icons for Youtube, Google+, Instagram, Vimeo, Vine, Mail

  • Added: Back to top button

  • Added: Gravity form plugin

  • Added: options for responsive in topbar

  • Added: option typography for blog title on hover

  • Added: confirm message when you want install the sample data

  • Added: Portuguese language pack by camattar

  • Added: Categories and Tags archives support for the description

  • Added: sku and product_id for the product inquiry form of product

  • Added: external plugins support

  • Added: “Remove script version” option

  • Added: new Share product style

  • Added: option to customize the text for “Add to cart” and “Details”

  • Added: Attribute pagination to the show_products shortcode in the manager

  • Updated: sample data

  • Updated: Improved png and jpeg sizes

  • Updated: Portuguese language pack by Paola Giovana

  • Updated: now you can install WooCommerce in a different name folder

  • Updated: YITH WooCommerce Wishlist

  • Fixed: Share on mobiles

  • Fixed: Single product image sizes with Zoom

  • Fixed: Typography sidebar options

  • Fixed: Read more button for external product on loop

  • Fixed: Faq filters widget does not print image if it is empty

  • Fixed: Custom tabs on products page typography

  • Fixed: Breadcrumb fatal error on posts without category

  • Fixed: 404 page use the website title for the section “What can i do?” instead of “Bazar”

  • Fixed: custom.css located also in the child theme

  • Fixed: bug of add to wishlist link after have filtered with ajax layered nav widget

  • Fixed: Translation issue in Recent Comments widget

  • Fixed: added message ‘Add to cart’ in Wishlist page

  • Fixed: Faq filters with encoded characters

  • Fixed: Alt attribute for logo and text with image widget

  • Fixed: Sale badge everywhere with WooCommerce 2.0.10

  • Fixed: wrong items shown in products/categories slider

  • Fixed: Testimonials archive page

  • Fixed: pagination in [show_products] shortcode

  • Fixed: enqueue of slider and portfolio stylesheets, when there is a child theme active

  • Fixed: Contact placeholder javascript error

  • Fixed: bug with more portfolios fancy in the same page

  • Fixed: Product Inquiry spell

  • Fixed: product image with product variation selected

  • Fixed: Localization issue in Contact Info widget

  • Fixed: Featured products slider image sizes

  • Fixed: Featured products slider widget notices

  • Fixed: mouseleave on cart controlFixed: Default value for select icon admin type

  • Fixed: Sitemap products error

  • Fixed: Cart on mobiles

  • Fixed: Menus with a depth major than 3 now work fine

  • Fixed: share button didn’t work when only product slider is used in the page

Ver 1.4.2 – April 26

  • Added: SEO tab for Products

  • Added: shortcode Custom Product Tab

  • Added: social icons for Google Plus and Instagram

  • Added: Dutch translation by Robert de Vries

  • Added: Turkish language pack by Olcay Irmak

  • Added: French language pack by Stephane

  • Added: sku shorttag for the body configuration of the product inquiry contact form

  • Added: Filter yit_widget_header_empty_cart

  • Updated: Revolution to 2.3.91 version

  • Updated: YITH WooCommerce Wishlist

  • Fixed: multiple products tab in a single page

  • Fixed: Popup message, support for shortcodes

  • Fixed: iFrame is responsive in WooCommerce tabs

  • Fixed: Product attribute archive uses the correct template

  • Fixed: bug with compare plugin didn’t create the categories

  • Fixed: compare wasn’t working in single product page

  • Fixed: Section portfolio ID. Now can work with more than one instance

  • Fixed: Dailymotion shortcode now use iFrames

  • Fixed: Featured Products slider widget now correctly uses its parameters

  • Fixed: Wishlist error while loading wp-load.php

  • Fixed: WooCommerce Product Categories widget now shows better categories hierarchy

  • Fixed: WooCommerce login form now handle better its width based on the sidebar

  • Fixed: Didn’t add the “responsive” class in IE10

  • Fixed: Title support for WordPress SEO plugin

  • Fixed: Cart header width

  • Fixed: Comments meta text in blog layout Bazar

  • Fixed: Attachments breadcrumb

  • Fixed: Post id in the slogan

  • Fixed: slider & picker options save in Magnifier tab

  • Fixed: Wrong localization domains

  • Fixed: Image and summary size in the product single page is now automatically calculate

  • Removed: Old $.live() calls

Ver 1.4.1 – April 10

  • Added: Role typography option for the team

  • Added: Support for WooCommerce Min/Max quantities also on the shop pages

  • Fixed: typography options and colors

  • Fixed: Header responsiveness

  • Fixed: Shortcode banner line-height

  • Fixed: error in the products share

  • Fixed: error in product tabs shortcode

Ver 1.4 – April 06

  • Added: Improved frontend and backend loading speed

  • Added: Options for submit and CTA button colors and new typography options

  • Added: Option “Products variations label” typography

  • Added: Google map text option in General > Settings

  • Added: Option to make variations dropdowns scrollable with a maximum height

  • Added: Option to select how to count items in the cart in Theme Options > Shop > General Settings

  • Added: Option to hide product metas (categories and tags)

  • Added: Lithuanian language pack by Golcas

  • Added: Submit button in the header search form

  • Fixed: Popup CSS minor bugs

  • Fixed: Filter onsale for [show_products] shortcode

  • Fixed: Blog bazar style issue in the typography

  • Fixed: Typography sidebar options

  • Fixed: Login logo URL and title

  • Fixed: Products widgets image height is automatically printed based on the proper option in WooCommerce settings

  • Fixed: products slider hidden inside features tab

  • Fixed: Breadcrumb showing twice on woocommerce pages

  • Fixed: Removed widget Featured Products if WooCommerce is not installed and enabled

  • Fixed: Trackbacks disable correctly on blog posts

  • Fixed: Wishlist now handles external products

  • Fixed: Wishlist error when adding products with cookies enabled and user not logged in

  • Fixed: Add to cart button on responsive

  • Fixed: Coupons correctly handled in the cart/checkout

  • Fixed: Correct feed links

  • Fixed: Team professional handles better the featured item

  • Fixed: Typography for general links and sidebar links improved

  • Fixed: Shop page correctly handles SEO options

  • Fixed: Shop page title

  • Fixed: Pinterest blog/portfolio

  • Fixed: Sintax error in the features tab attributes

  • Fixed: Tabs shortcode conflict when in single product page

  • Fixed: Products slider when the responsive is disabled

Ver 1.3.1 – March 27

  • Updated: Improved spanish translation pack by Rafael Prato

  • Added: ‘Back to the shop’ link in single product page

  • Added: Options to use theme filters for related products ( Theme Options > Shop > Products details page)

  • Added: SSN field in Checkout

  • Added: Product Rating shortcode [rating id=”product_id”]

  • Added: Option to select how to count items in the cart in Theme Options > Shop > General Settings

  • Fixed: CSS errors in woocommerce files

  • Fixed: Payment tooltips in checkout multistep

  • Fixed: Add to cart button in single product page on responsive at 1024px

  • Fixed: Tabs shortcode typography

  • Fixed: Description of the Quick Contact Form widget. It can work with all sidebars, not only in the footer

  • Fixed: Improved image scaling when grid images in catalog options is not active

  • Fixed: CSS of the map box in boxed mode

  • Fixed: Typography of the blog titles and sidebar links

  • Fixed: Path error with iphone favicon

  • Fixed: Quick contact form HTML optimized for the bootstrap grid

  • Fixed: Mini cart in the header shows correctly price with/without taxes

  • Fixed: Lightbox for related projects

  • Fixed: options in shortcode and widget popular and recent posts

  • Fixed: Maximum height of the variations dropdown

  • Fixed: position of ‘terms & conditions’ in checkout multistep

  • Fixed: Coupons correctly handled in the cart/checkout

  • Fixed: Correct feed links

  • Fixed: Team professional handle better the featured item.

  • Fixed: Typography for general links and sidebar links improved

  • Fixed: Shop page correctly handle SEO options

Ver 1.3 – March 12

  • Added: Woocommerce 2.0 support

  • Added: Faq minus/plus color options

  • Added: options for the copyright section background image

  • Updated: improved frontend loading speed (

  • Updated: improved Theme Options loading speed

  • Updated: Premium plugin Ajax Layered Nav (

  • Updated: Revolution Slider

  • Fixed: Header cart and prices with tax enabled or disabled

  • Fixed: shortcodes in the custom tabs added to products

  • Fixed: On sale products in shortcodes are shown also if products are variable

  • Fixed: Widget contact info style in home sidebar and responsive

Ver 1.3 RC

  • Added: Woocommerce 2.0 support

  • Added: filter for product tabs titles

  • Added: support for external images

  • Updated: translations

  • Fixed: Product slider in responsive resize

  • Fixed: cart in the header responsiveness

Ver 1.2 – Feb 16

  • Added: Premium plugin Ajax Layered Nav (

  • Added: Maintenance Mode Responsive

  • Added: option to force the hover opened, in the products page

  • Added: nonce field in newsletters for the plugin MyMail

  • Added: option to select the first post image as featured image

  • Added: Header sidebar extended when Cart and Search bar are hidden

  • Added: widget border color

  • Added: VAT/SSN field in the order page (admin side)

  • Updated: YITH Magnifier plugin

  • Updated: YITH Woocommerce Wishlist plugin

  • Updated: improved check of Woocommerce installation

  • Updated: Improved url rewriting in cache css file

  • Updated: Languages files

  • Updated: Revolution slider to 2.3.1

  • Fixed: multiple product variations

  • Fixed: deleting cache for popup style

  • Fixed: quote in the description, for the social sharing

  • Fixed: Footer links typography

  • Fixed: Widget almost categories

  • Fixed: Login screen logo did not show

  • Fixed: Error with the sidebar HTML

  • Fixed: bugs with wishlist and gravity forms plugin

  • Fixed: Menu on mobiles if using the standard WP menu

  • Fixed: Logo on the mobile devices if goes on 2 lines

  • Fixed: radio button in quick contact form

  • Fixed: on/off product title in with hover style

  • Fixed: on/off single product title, category page, shop page

Ver. 1.1 – Feb 07

  • Added: phone icon in contact form

  • Added: improved theme options speed

  • Updated: Woocommerce grouped product template

  • Updated: replaced jquery.tipsy with jquery.tiptip for social shortcodes

  • Fixed: Popup style & cookies management

  • Fixed: Blog pinterest

  • Fixed: Buttons colors

  • Fixed: Spanish translation

  • Fixed: Metabox saving in quick mode

  • Fixed: Warning in product variations

Ver. 1.0.1. – Jan 31

  • Added: option to force classic style in Shop page (Mobile)

  • Added: option to dispaly hover style in Shop page (Mobile)

  • Fixed: Maintenance Mode

  • Fixed: nonce for newsletter

  • Fixed: The wishlist should not disableing correctly.

Themeforest rss

SHOP Features

  • Compatible with WooComerce plugin

  • Multiple payment options and Supports Tax

  • User accounts and order tracking

  • Shipping Options

  • Coupons option

  • Downloadable/digital products support

  • Product sliders – best sellers, featured, top rating, on sale, recents – and product categories slider

  • Shortcodes for featured products, recent products, best sellers and general products (you can set how many items to show, the type of order and so on)

  • Compare feature

  • Wishlist feature

  • Share product feature to show the product page on your social channels

  • Detail page of the product with:

    • Multiple images for your product with slider and Zoom Effect

    • Related products, ratings and description tab

    • A “product enquiry” tab with a contact form: user can contact you to ask about products

    • Custom tabs: add custom content in the product page

    • Unlimited product variations option like size, colors and so on

  • Megamenu features with the ‘Shopping by Price, Categories and Brand’ function (very useful features and used in all e-commerce sites!) and images support.

  • 2 custom checkout pages (a nice javascript tabbed checkout page

  • “Catalog mode” to turn off the cart and use the theme like a catalog

  • Popup to show offers, special sales, news and so on!

  • Full WPML support with a widget in the header to show different languages

  • “Welcome XXX” feature in the header when the user is logged

  • Javascript Cart tab

  • much more..

SEO Optimized

On each page you can improve your SEO by adding custom title, description, keywords and so on. Also, in the theme options panel you can set the
general keywords for your site. Also, on each page you can use the h1, h2, h3 structure and improve also the usability of your site with the breadcrumbs feature.

Shortcode Manager

  • 300+ shortcodes: button, tabs, tables, sliders, widgets and so on;

  • Product sliders – best sellers, featured, top rating, on sale, recents – and product categories slider

  • Shortcodes for featured products, recent products, best sellers and general products (you can set how many items to show, the type of order and so on)

  • Shortcode manager: add elements on each page with just one click, without copy and paste html/css code.

Choose Your Fonts & Colors

  • Over 500 Google fonts – the google fonts list will be automatically updated;

  • Set font and size for titles, slogan, body text and more;

  • Unlimited combinations of colors;

  • 50+ custom backgrounds + bg images uploader: set a different background for all pages and posts;

  • Header upload: upload a different header image for each page.

General Features

Unlimited Sliders with 8 Different responsive Slider Types (a Premium Revolutions slider and a Grid slider Included for a Value of 110$)

You can have a different slider for each page and choose from 8 different slider types:

  • Flexi slider (elegant layout): elegant and responsive slideshow to display images and text;

  • Flexi slider (basic layout): a simple and responsive slideshow to display images;

  • Rotating Slider: a nice faded slider where you can set how many panel to display

  • Elastic Slider: original responsive slider;

  • Awkward slideshow: amazing slider, with thumbnails and tooltips!

  • Piecemaker slideshow: a flash creative slider;

  • Revolution slider: a original premium slider.

  • Layout boxed or stretched style

  • Extensive Admin Panel

  • Child theme support

  • 1170 pixel layout based on the Bootstrap Grid

  • 10 custom widgets

  • Fully customizable 404 error page

  • Custom login page

  • Maintenence mode feature

  • Sitemap page

  • Custom post type for testimonials (4 layouts)

  • Filterable FAQ page

  • Services page (2 layouts)

  • About page (2 layouts)

  • Unlimited accordion (toggle) slider

  • Unlimited vertical tabs to show shortcodes, content and products

  • Unlimited sidebars

  • Unlimited animated banners

  • Post formats for video, audio, quote and gallery

  • Unlimited contact forms with javascript error control

  • Translation-ready theme

  • 8 Blog layouts + thread comments

Corporate features

Unlimited Portfolio with 9 portfolio layouts

  • 8 different layouts for portfolio: filterable, big image, two columns, three columns, four columns, with sliders, “pinterest style”, detail (with a nice javascript effect) and full description;

  • 8 blog layouts

  • Post formats: video, audio and gallery

Screencast Theme Support

Customize your theme easily with our video tutorials.

Sample Data

Import our sample data and make your Wordpress look like our demo with just one click!


  • Icons: Basic set icons and Nixus icon set

  • Navigation icons: Picons icon set, purchased with regular license and included in the theme with the permission of the icon’s author.

  • Images: the mages used in our theme are used only in the live preview. We don’t include the images of the demo in the theme package.
  • 500 Buttons essential:, purchased a multiple applications license.

  • Contact form and buttons icons:
  • Awkward slideshow:

  • Elastic slider, thanks to Codropos:
  • Revolution slider:
  • Flexi Slider

  • Piecemaker Flash slider:
  • Google Fonts: Webfonts with Google fonts

  • jCarousel by

  • Rotating slider:
  • Elastislider by Tympanus:
  • Animated banner by Tympanus:

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