Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Gigawatt - eCommerce WordPress Theme

Gigawatt - eCommerce WordPress Theme - WooCommerce eCommerce

Unique Features

Widgetized Home Page – Allows for unlimited videos to be displayed in a categorized format.

Short URL Support – New addition to an Obox Theme, we are using Googles shorten url plugin.

oEmbed Support – Simply cut & paste the url of your video and we will get the embed code for you!

Self Hosted Video Support – Gigawatt allows you to upload and host your videos on your own site. Simply use the JPlayer plugin to add the videos and we will do the rest by packaging it in the awesome theme design.

HD and SD video selectors – Give your HD videos the space and attention they deserve with a massive 940px wide view port.

Works as a Standard Blog too! – If you want to use this as a normal blog with images instead of videos, it is 100% possible. We have made sure to include our standard image uploader with auto-resizing and filters.

Portfolio Section – Show off your latest work with our special portfolio template page. The template offers three different column layouts to choose from.

One dark and two light Color Schemes – Gigawatt is packed with three great color schemes including two light versions and a dark one, all with an awesome subtle grunge texture designed by Paravel.

Responsive Design

This theme is Responsive! – When viewing the demo, be sure to resize your browser window – there are some cool responsive effects going on here. What’s the benefit you may ask? Well it means that your site will look good on mobile phones, tablets and desktops.

By having a site which is “device agnostic” you ensure that whoever is visiting your site will have the best browsing experience possible on the device they are viewing it with. No compromise.

Obox Mobile Compatible

How it works – Obox Mobile works by detecting supported devices like iPhones, Android & Blackberry and more, serving an optimized theme instead of your regular desktop theme.

Want to know more? – Find out how you can turn your site into a mobile friendly experience when your visitors view your site on their phones: Obox Mobile

WooCommerce Compatibility

Sales Analytics – Keep birds-eye view of incoming sales and reviews, stock levels and general store performance and statistics all from the WordPress dashboard.

Shipping & Tax – WooCommerce have built in comprehensive shipping settings enabling you to define shipping costs per product, or declare a flat rate for all your products, you can also offer free shipping. Extend these options with our table rate shipping extension to define different shipping rates for various countries, or different weight brackets.

Create & Sell all kinds of Products – WooCommerce’s product management is focused on ease-of-use; if you’re comfortable writing & publishing a post within WordPress, adding products to WooCommerce will be a similar breeze.

Payment Gateways – If you don’t want to go through the trouble of adding your own payment gateway, WooCommerce already supports a wide variety of popular payment gateways for you that are Plug & Play.

Much much more – WooCommerce is an incredibly impressive eCommerce plugin that continues to get better. Read more about their features here.

eCommerce Features

New slider – With the eCommerce version of Gigawatt we have updated the slider with a whole bunch of options. You can now choose the type of content you want to display (blog, product or portfolio posts). If you choose the product display, we have included an overlay showing the name and description of the product in the slider.

Also new is the inclusion of the slider in the product page, so if you have more than one image to show the slider will automatically appear.


Cart drop down –

The shopping cart is now a drop down sitting at the top of right of the screen. The raw look of it suiting Gigawatt well.


Sale/price tabs – In previous builds we have hidden the pricing from list pages but decided that it would look good with some neat overlays here.


Purchase button area – We mentioned this briefly with the Kiosk release and weve expanded on it a bit here. I think one of the best looking parts of Gigwatt eCommerce is the purchase button area – it took a huge amount of time to style in all the variables that are factored into the purchase button code and I think we got it quite right.


Included is OCMX-Live

Powered by OCMX

OCMX Live is an advanced Framework which comes packaged with every Obox Theme, turning your WordPress site into an even more powerful content management system.

  • Custom Logo Input – No need to delve into the code of your theme, simply upload your awesome logo with the click of a button.

  • Page Templates – Our themes come packaged with multiple pages templates including Archives, Full Width and a Portfolio page.

  • Menu Management – Organize your Menu Structure for super smooth visitor navigation. Choose what goes and what stays in your nav.

  • Advert Management – Setup your BuySellAds adverts or run your own custom campaign, OCMX allows for complete control over your revenue system.

  • Automatic Image Resizing – Using TimThumb to manage our theme image resizing you never have to worry about resizing your pictures when switching to our Themes.

  • Ajax Comments – When a visitor submits a comment to your blog there are no page reloads. That means they can watch a video and comment at the same time.

OCMX Comes packaged in this theme for free!

Need help with your theme setup?

If you need help with your Obox WordPress theme setup, create and log in to your profile at Obox and you’ll see a ‘Upgrades and Services’ item in the sidebar. Click that to show an option to get a member of the Obox team to setup your theme for you.

Documentation & Support

Please note that access to theme documentation and support forums is restricted to verified buyers only. Support times are 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday (GMT +2). In order to gain full access docs and support please be sure to register on Obox.

To login to Obox all you need to do is the following:

  • Visit Obox Design

  • Click Sign Up (top right of the page)

  • Register your details

  • Type in your ThemeForest purchase code in the right side bar in your profile

Note: We offer Support via our forums only, any other means of communication such as emails and tweets will be directed to the forum. Thanks peeps.


  • Adds some styling tweaks to help those using Vimeo oEmbed

  • Slider dots will now sit below the video and not overlay it if Horizontal Layout is chosen.

  • Template names fixed

  • WordPress background support added

  • Self-hosted videos should now appear if no featured image is uploaded to the post

  • WP 3.4 fixes, includes workaround for hidden page templates

  • Temp fix for embed container in slider

  • Fixed some issues with widget images not responding or cropping properly if WP Featured image was selected.

  • Unchecking dates in Theme Options > General meta options now removes all dates.

  • Slider dots will move the slides when clicked

Obox Themes is 100% GPL

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