Thursday, May 30, 2013

Shoppica - Responsive E-commerce WordPress Theme

Shoppica - Responsive E-commerce WordPress Theme - WooCommerce eCommerce

Shoppica WP is a fully responsive e-commerce Wordpress theme with stylish design and powerful backend. Theme is compatible with WooCommerce 2 and WP E-commerce 3.8.8.x / 3.8.9.x.

Shoppica WP is a guarantee for a professional online presence. The clean and modern look allows you to use the theme for every kind of online shop. In combination with the powerfull option to change the color of all elements, you will be given the possibility to make an unique e-commerce website that stands out of the crowd!

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Theme features

  • WooCommerce 1.6.x / 2.0.x compatible!

  • WP e-Commerce 3.8.8.x / 3.8.9.x compatible!

  • Multi-Purpose ready – can be used as a standalone wordpress theme without e-commerce plugins, but still retaining its modern and stylish design and the powerfull features to create and manage content

  • Responsive layout – you shop will appear nicely on every mobile phone (iphone, android, windows phone) and tablet

  • RTL language support – great compatibility with Right-to-left languages(Arabic, Hebrew etc.)

  • SEO-ready – semantic and SEO friendly markup

  • Unlimited color combinations – full control over the colors of the site elements;

  • Shortcode generator – create and arrange pages easily with the integrated Visual Composer plugin without having to type shortcodes by hand

  • Live theme customizer – preview your site while you change it

  • Clean and readable typography

  • Powerful customization options – the Shoppica WP admin panel allows you to configure a lot of your site’s visual and functional properties

  • Custom background textures and images – you can upload your own. You can set different background for every page or product category.

  • Custom fonts with option to choose subsets for every font (google webfonts)

  • Sliders – five different sliders will make your site much more attractive. The integrated LayerSlider and UnoSlider are powerfull weapons in your hands

  • Intro slideshow – you can slide uploaded images or selected products from the catalog. Configurable transition effects, slideshow border and slideshow size. Every category and subcategory can have different slideshow, with different products and images!

  • Custom post types – testimonials and portfolio

  • Extensive documentation – you can read it even before you purchased the theme

  • Excellent support – Shoppica WP support forums will help you to resolve your issues, should you have any

Theme support

Theme support will be provided only from the support forum. You will need to register with your ThemeForest username and use the purchase code from your license certificate for confirmation. We will try our best to reply to your posts and emails in no longer than 2 business days. Our timezone is UTC/GMT +2.

ThemeBurn support forums | Register account | How to get your purchase code?

Release history

Please, read carefully the documentation before upgrading.

  • Version 1.2.2 – 25 March 2013

    - added – Woocommerce 2.0.4 compatibility

    - added – Visual Composer Recent Portfolios Widget

    - added – Visual Composer Recent Testimonials Widget

    - added – Visual Composer Recent Posts Widget

    - added – Visual Composer Popular Posts Widget

    - fixed – Woocommerce single product tabs on mobile

    - fixed – intro bug on Woocommerce category and shop

    - fixed – search bug

    - fixed – a few css bugs

  • Version 1.2.1 – 12 March 2013

    - fixed – Woocommerce intro category and products page bug

    - fixed – Single products sidebar bug

    - fixed – Gallery thumbnails bug

    - fixed – Woocommerce update cart quantity bug

    - fixed – Visual Composer Featured Porducts shortcode bug

    - fixed – Visual Composer Latest Products shortcode bug

    - fixed – a few css bugs

  • Version 1.2.0 – 7 March 2013

    - added – Woocommerce 2.0 compatibility

    - added – Product gallery only for WooCommerce

    - added – WP E-commerce option to upload file with purchase

    - added – Products sidebar to appear when there is no attached sidebar for product

    - fixed – some language variables

    - fixed – author box bug

    - fixed – Layer Slider preload bug

    - fixed – Woocommerce intro category and products page bug

    - fixed – Woocommerce resgistration bug

    - fixed – Visual Composer bug on small screens

    - fixed – Visual Composer price size bug

    - fixed – a few css bugs

  • Version 1.1.1 – 4 February 2013

    – fixed – Visual Composer rawHTML bug

    – fixed – product description tabs and accordion were not displaying properly

    – fixed – WPEC specification tab not showing

    – fixed – CSS could not be loaded on some hosting configurations

  • Version 1.1.0 – 31 January 2013

    – added – Woocommerce compatibility

    – added – option to search only in products (Woocommerce only)

    – added – related products slider with option to change number, size and price label

    – added – option to hide Cart from menu

    – updated – Visual Composer to 3.4.13; added compatibility with WPEC description

    – updated – Layer Slider to 3.6.2

    – fixed – product category breadcrumbs bug

    – fixed – with adding new slides to UnoSLider

    – fixed – register link with default permalinks

    – fixed – mobile version error notices

    – fixed – issue with hiding the intro

    – fixed – some language variables

  • Version 1.0 – 02 November 2012- – Initial release

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